Our work Research Consultation to better understand the quality of care in residential care The quality of residential aged care received by Australians is an important issue and the subject of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. NARI is conducting a study for the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services to understand what quality care means to the people who either receive or provide residential aged care services. We also want to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected residential aged care in Victoria, including its impact on the quality of care. This is a qualitative study involving interviews with key stakeholders such as aged care residents, their families, aged care staff and aged care managers. The interviews take place in various residential aged care facilities around Victoria and include a range of facility types and sizes in order to capture a diversity of views. The findings will help determine the selection and creation of quality care measures and regulations in the future and give residents and caregivers a voice. Contact: Dr Joan Ostaszkiewicz Manage Cookie Preferences