Older woman and man laughing

Australian guidelines recommend older people do 30 minutes of physical activity every day for strength, flexibility, fitness and balance. It is also good for your mental health.

NARI's exercise videos can help you stay active at home, at times when you may not be as physically active outdoors. They were developed during the COVID-19 pandemic but are useful for anyone wanting to exercise at home.

The exercises were developed by allied health professionals with expertise in exercise for older people.


The information in the videos is general guidance only. It does not replace individual health advice. Prior to exercising, please consult your healthcare provider if you have or suspect a medical problem or any health risk factors.

If you engage in these exercises you agree you do so voluntarily, and assume all risk of injury to yourself.

How to use the videos

Please watch the Introduction to Exercise video before you start exercising. It includes safety tips, types of exercises, warm up and tips for being physically active.

Then watch the four exercise videos at a pace that suits you. They cover stretching and flexibility, muscle strengthening, balance and cardiorespiratory fitness.


Introduction to exercise

Stretching and flexibility

Muscle strengthening


Cardiorespiratory fitness

How to stay active video (full-length)

This video includes the Introduction to exercise plus all four exercise videos.