Image of three people - one filming a second person and thr=ird person leaning over and talking to second person

Funded by the NHMRC and the Commonwealth Department of Health, the MINDSET Study aims to improve the quality of interpreter communication in a cognitive assessment for dementia. We are undertaking this work because our research found that interpreters were servicing increasing numbers of people with dementia but had variable experience and knowledge about dementia. This resulted in inconsistencies in interpreting which reduced the validity of cognitive assessments, diminished clinician and patient satisfaction, and overburdened health services. Subsequently, interpreters themselves recognised the need for specialist training in dementia.

Our solution is to work with interpreters, clinicians, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) people with family carers of a person with dementia, to co-design online training targeted at interpreters.

Having recently completed the MINDSET randomised controlled trial, we are now implementing a national roll-out of the MINDSET training, making it freely available to all Australian-based interpreters regardless of language or level. The MINDSET training familiarises interpreters with all aspects of dementia and its impact on cognitive and linguistic ability; explains the tools used to assess and diagnose dementia; and engages interpreters with effective interpreting strategies for cognitive assessments.

Why participate?

  • FREE online training
  • Claim NAATI CPD points
  • Takes approx. 4 hours to complete
  • Available to interpreting students.

Interested in taking part in the training?

Enrol here now

The outcomes of this study realise a key priority in the NHMRC's National Institute of Dementia Research CALD Action Plan, to “Inform effective ways to train frontline... staff on how culture influences dementia.” With a more than 200% projected growth in the proportion of older CALD Australians by 2056, there will be a rise in the number of non-English speaking people living with dementia. The national benefit of this study is that it will enable interpreters to be prepared and confident in performing their role impartially, effectively, and accurately.

Find out more - watch our launch video

Contact our team at: [email protected] 
