This NHMRC funded project aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an individualised physical activity program aimed at improving mental health and minimising functional decline amongst care recipients and carers.

It involved a 6 month individually tailored exercise program designed for family carers and the person they cared for to do together. This was compared with usual care and a social visit intervention in a randomised controlled trial.

One hundred and twenty one carers and ninety one care recipients participated in the study. Outcomes were measured at baseline, six months and 12 months. A paper reporting the results of the study is currently being prepared.

Improving Mood through Physical Activity for Carers and Care recipients: Protocol for a randomised trial (IMPACCT)

Additional papers:

  1. Loi, S, Dow B, Ames D, Moore K, Hill K, Russell M, & Lautenschlager, N (2014) Physical activity in caregivers: What are the psychological benefits? Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 59(2), 204-210.
  2. Loi SM, B Dow, K Moore, K Hill S Malta, E Cyarto, M Russell, D Ames, N Lautenschlager (2015) Attitudes to aging in older carers - do they have a role in their well-being? International Psychogeriatrics. 27(11): 1893-1901.
  3. Loi SM, B Dow, K Moore, K Hill S Malta, E Cyarto, M Russell, D Ames, N Lautenschlager (2015) The adverse mental health of caregivers - does the care-recipient diagnosis play a role? Maturitas. 82(1): 134-138.

Contact: Briony Dow