This paper calls for a new policy framework for ‘a middle-ageing Australia’. It offers ideas for policy reform in four areas of public policy in order to respond to the growing demographic of middle aged Australians.

  • Cover image of The new middle ageWorkplace
     relations reframed for a longer working life.
  • Education reframed for lifelong learning, with people regularly adapting and learning new skills to change focus.
  • Preventive health measures for healthy ageing.
  • Building communities that nurture social engagement and intergenerational cooperation.

There are seven million Australians aged 50-75 years who are facing an extended life expectancy in a volatile and rapidly changing economic and political environment. The authors argue that Australia and its political leaders have an opportunity to take the lead in bringing the nation round to a more positive approach to longer life expectancy. Every political party should actively and consistently counter the currently pervasive negative view of ageing and instead recognise the growing middle-aged population as a valuable resource, both in economic and social terms.

"People are living thirty years longer than they did a century ago but our social structures are slow to adapt."

The new middle age: Ways to thrive in the longevity economy