NARI provided a submission to the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the mechanisms for capturing data on the profile and volume of perpetrators of family violence in Victoria and barriers to achieving a full understanding of this cohort.

NARI's submission focuses on elder abuse and makes the following recommendations:

  1. Upskill service providers to ask questions about elder abuse.
  2. Consistently collect data on elder abuse.
  3. Centralise data repositories.
  4. Make data available in real time.
  5. Harness the potential of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  6. Digitise, deidentify, and make data publicly available.
  7. Collect data on risk factors for elder abuse.
  8. Collect data on perpetrator social and clinical characteristics.
  9. Collect data on immediate, mid-term and long-term outcomes of elder abuse.

NARI submission to the Inquiry into capturing data on family violence perpetrators in Victoria