Half-day workshop

Grief is a normal part of life and ageing, yet talking about death and dying in our society is taboo. Older adults are more likely to encounter an accumulation of losses and frequent exposure to grief and bereavement. While many older people and carers experience intense grief, they rarely seek support or are aware of services that may help them to cope. Even when they do seek support, healthcare professionals may not always know how to identify grief in older adults and carers or where to refer them for tailored support.

Participants in this evidence-based highly interactive workshop will:

  • Learn how to identify different types of complex grief including Anticipatory Grief, Pre-Death Grief, Prolonged Grief and Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder;
  • Develop insights into the challenges of acknowledging grief and loss and how to overcome them; and
  • Be able to determine when someone needs additional grief support and learn about support services are available.
This workshop will address the following Aged Care standards
  • Aged Care standard 4 - Services and supports for daily living

Who Should Attend?

Practitioners who work with older people and family carers who may be experiencing or struggling to process grief and loss.


Associate Professor Kirsten Moore

Dr Katrin Gerber

For further information

Email: [email protected]