Our work Policy and Advocacy Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety Submission: Aged care for CALD Australians NARI has made a submission to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety about the care needs of older culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) Australians. Our submission to strengthen evidence-informed service delivery focused on: Addressing language barriers Delivering sustainable, culturally appropriate models of care Increasing awareness of dementia and care options in CALD communities Leveraging the multicultural aged care workforce Generating robust national data on which policy decisions can be made. We advocate that a strong evidence-base is required to respond to the needs of older CALD Australians and to address the particular challenges that they face in the Australian aged care system. Research to develop this evidence-base must consider the diversity of CALD Australians and their different vulnerabilities. In addition, innovative models must be co-designed with CALD communities to deliver effective and culturally sensitive services. Submission to the Royal Commission Manage Cookie Preferences