Thursday 23 May 2024

Media Release

The National Ageing Research Institute (NARI) has welcomed the announcement that the Government is launching a new Senior Victorians Advisory Committee. 

The Committee will provide more opportunities for older people to give advice directly to Government on their priorities, the challenges they face, and emerging issues.

NARI Director, Professor Tracy Comans, said the establishment of the Committee is a positive step towards ensuring that older people are listened to, and can inform decisions on the issues that affect them. 

As things stand, she points out, ageist attitudes mean that older people are often left out of the conversations they are best placed to advise on.

"The number of older Australians will only continue to grow, but while Victorians are living longer, they are also spending an increasing number of years in poor health.

"Urgent action is needed so that older Victorians spend more time happy and healthy and continuing to make valuable contributions to our society. 

"By gaining a greater understanding of the experiences of older people, the Committee can play an important role in ensuring these experiences shape future policies and improve outcomes for older people in health and care in particular. It is essential that these conversations and learnings lead to tangible action.

"As the first academic centre in Australia focused on research and ageing, NARI would welcome the opportunity to be part of this committee and share our invaluable expertise on these vital issues."