Our work Policy and Advocacy Royal Commission into Mental Health Mental health of older adults Population ageing will see an increase in depression, anxiety, elder abuse and other mental illnesses in older adults. We recommend: Investment in mental health that reflects the disease burden for older people, and their carers, and is at least commensurate with the current investment in physical health. Reform in mental health services to provide culturally appropriate, holistic, integrated, age friendly and accessible services. Providing nursing home residents with access to psychological services. The involvement for older people, and their carers in the design and delivery of services for older people. More public awareness campaigns to increase understanding of and reduce stigma surrounding mental health in older people: poor mental health is not a normal part of ageing; it is a prevailing attitude of ageism. Measures in mental health policy to strengthen carers’ wellbeing and to provide them with satisfactory emotional, financial and instrumental support. Response to the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System Manage Cookie Preferences