In this winter edition, we bring you the latest updates and insights from our work and beyond.

June 15 marked World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD), with various events around Australia and the world. Elder abuse continues to impact older people — decreasing quality of life, and significantly increasing mortality risk. The latest prevalence study found that one in six older Australians experience elder abuse in a 12-month period.
Also in this newsletter — we celebrate the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with Dementia Australia, NARI’s support of a ‘Yes’ vote on the Voice to Parliament, and the wonderful support we received from all of you, towards our Annual Appeal.
And that’s just some of what we’ve been up to.
Looking ahead, we’re excited to be holding MARC Annual Symposium in August, and NARI’s Annual Summit in September — both featuring a number of guest speakers, sharing their experiences, insights, and hopes for the future of ageing.

Ageing Well - July 2023