The Global dEmeNtIa rEsources (GENIE) project is developing an online database of national and international evidence-based dementia resources to support Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) family carers of people living with dementia.

Do you want to contribute to Genie?

You can support our development by helping identifying good, evidence-based resources that are freely available online.


If you are a provider, researcher or health professional, and know of good, evidence-based dementia resource developed for CALD communities or in-language available online, please help by completing our online form.

Carers or community members:

Are you a carer or community member from a culturally and linguistically diverse background and have used/know of a good, evidence-based dementia resource developed for CALD communities or in-language available online, please help by completing our online form.

This project is funded by the Australian Association of Gerontology.

To learn more, please contact Dr Josefine Antoniades | [email protected]