Caregiving, dementia and incontinence: an open online course Many people living with dementia experience difficulties with bladder and/or bowel function and control. Continence issues significantly impact the quality of life for the person and their carer. The free online course Caregiving, Dementia and Incontinence has been developed with the input of people living with dementia, carers and health professionals. It aims to provide family and professional carers with the knowledge, skills and resources to cope with the physical and psychosocial aspects of assisting with toileting, promoting continence, and managing incontinence. In this five week course learners will cover the following topics: Week 1 - Coping with the lived experience Week 2 - Basics of bowel and bladder function Week 3 - Promoting healthy bowel and bladder function and assisting with toileting and hygiene Week 4 - Using continence aids and incontinence products and protecting the skin Week 5 - Coping at home, out and about and accessing information and support The free Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) is conducted entirely online through FutureLearn (Deakin University) over five weeks with approximately three hours of learning per week. Learners can share ideas with other learners and course educators and join in with active discussions. Learners may begin the course at any time and no prior experience or qualifications are required. The project is funded by the Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration through the Queensland University of Technology. If you have any queries about the project please contact NARI's Education Team - [email protected] Register now Manage Cookie Preferences