Icon of person doing sit to stand exerciseSit to Stand


This exercise strengthens your leg and back muscles.


Sit down and stand up from the seat. Use hand support if needed.

Icon of person doing step up exerciseStep Up


This exercise strengthens the leg muscles and improves ability for using stairs.


Step up on the platform, leading with the same leg up and down. Alternate with the opposite leg. Hold on to the rail for support if needed.

Icon of person doing push ups exercisePush-Up


It strengthens your arms, shoulders, back and core muscles.


Stand arm distance away from the bar and hold it with your hands apart. Slowly lower your body toward the bar and then push away to return to the starting position.

Icon of person doing pull ups



The exercise strengthens your arms, shoulders, back and core muscles.


Grip the bar and walk your feet forward to 10cm in front of the bar, pull your body towards the bar and then slowly lower back to the starting position.