Icon of person doing snake pipe exerciseSnake Pipe – Big Wave


This exercise improves strength and mobility of the shoulders.


Stand with your side to the snake pipe. Hold the ring in one hand and, without touching the bar, move it from one end to the other while walking, alternate sides.

Icon of person doing hand roll exerciseHand Roll


This exercise helps mobility of the neck, shoulder and elbow joints.


Grip the handles in both hands and gently turn the wheel.

Icon of person doing shoulder arches exerciseShoulder Arches


This exercise is for the chest, elbow and shoulder mobility and flexibility.


Stand facing and in the middle of the equipment. Grip a ball with one hand and move the ball along the bar. Alternate hands.

Icon of person doing core twister exercise

Core Twister


This exercise improves the strength of core muscles and back mobility.


While holding onto the bar, stand on the plate and slightly bend your knees.  Twist your body from side to side.