Icon of person doing stair climbing exerciseStairs


This exercise raises your heart rate and strengthens the leg muscles.
The movement helps with daily activities such as going up and down the stairs.


Hold on to the rail. Step up and down the stairs.

Icon of person doing ramp net climb exerciseWalking Ramp and Net


The exercise helps with balance and strengthens the leg muscles.
It also helps with negotiating obstacles, and clearing and positioning your feet when walking.


Walk up the ramp and step down through the net without hitting the ropes. Use hand support as needed.

Icon of person doing snakepipe exerciseSnake Pipe – Small Wave


This exercise strengthens and mobilises the shoulders and back, improves reaching skill and balance.


Stand facing the snake pipe. Without moving your feet, move the ring from one end to the other without touching the bar, swapping hands as you come back to the middle.

Icon of finger stairs and calf raises exercises

Finger Stairs and Calf Raises


This exercise improves the agility and mobility of the fingers and shoulders while improving your stability, posture, and strength of the calf muscles.


Climb up the steps with your fingers one at a time to reach the highest point possible, while rising up on your toes.